Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Heart Saturdays!

You all know the private moments we treasure, dogs sleeping or not bouncing up because the alarm didn't rattle you to an upright position in two seconds straight, sun just coming through the window, and depending on your mood you can wiggle into it or out of it. Warm spots in bed that are deeply warm, still warm after your trip to the bathroom, my tootsie toes is usually in it when I return, looking at me with those amazing yellow eyes asking me to join in the snuggle. I think about her offer, but I walk on and enjoy the quiet.
Me walking routs the rest of the tootsie pack up and sneezing and stretching they all walk to the sliding glass door. They don't stay out long, it is still icy on the ground.
We check our bowls and I make coffee in the Keurig, (another marvelous creation). We relaxant say hello and I talk to my pack of furries. There is Lilly Lou the standard maternal poodle, and Zuzu the acrobat and jumping bean direct opposite of her mother Lilly, our Tootsie toes, a Newfoundland poodle mix that is a ball of energy and very very smart. She is a talker. Snarky Barry comes next my tiny silver poodle who follows and joins in the Frey, but never starts anything. We have Aiden, my powerhouse Schnauzer, my second in command who corrects anyone I get an angry voice with. I was gifted with a blind miniature poodle about three years ago I call him peppermint, I adore them all, they are my companions, best friends with benefits, and they love me. I heart my Saturdays that I can spend with them quiet and relaxed.
I am done my coffee now and it is time for a play and read on the back porch session then cleaning and a home movie. I will finish my art project that I will share with you the moment it is done. I have even using up my felted sweaters and turning them into rugs. Well, I am on my way, talk to you soon.
